National Service Scheme

NSS Volunteers are encouraged to do 100 hrs of Voluntary Activities. The objective of NSS is to channelize the Youth energy towards Nation building activities. These voluntary activities help NSS Volunteers to develop their personality and leadership qualities and promote the spirit of dignity of labour.The NSS Unit takes up any of the following activities which is useful to the Local Area/ Village/ Community.

  • Digging, maintenance, disinfection, de-silting, de-weeding and repair of Water bodies cleaning and de –weeding of Rivers, Lakes, Tals, Boulis, Tanks, Wells etc.
  • Removal of Parthenium (Gaajar Ghas), Lantana and water Hyacinth (these plants are a threat to the environment and water bodies; Parthenium ( Gaajar Ghas) is also a health hazard).
  • Constructions of water tanks/Ponds ground water recharging purpose.
  • Plantation of saplings to stop soil erosion, development of Village pasturelands, re-cooping of bunjar/unfertile lands.
  • Cleaning and repair of Village drainage system disposal of garbage in order to generate environment friendly manure.
  • Cleaning of Village Streets and open spaces, collection and disposal of polythene bags and plastic waste for disposal.
  • Constructions/repair of Village roads/Small connecting bridges and small water harvesting bodies.
  • Cleaning, white-washing/painting, repair/maintenance of School buildings gram panchayats, Primary Health Center, Anganwadi’s places of worship and other public buildings.
  • Development and maintenance of Play Ground, Cleaning of Schools, College Campus etc.
  • Assisting in constructions of soak-pits, for the needy people maintenance of School/Community toilets etc.
  • Preservation/Cleaning/maintenance of heritage sites.

Each NSS Unit in their adopted Village would undertake minimum of 100 hrs in a year. These hours can be spent either 2-3 hrs on a Non – working day i.e. Saturday/ Sunday or during lean working days or holidays.

Each programme, a minimum of 50 – 100 NSS Volunteers would participate in the above mentioned voluntary Labour activities.

NSS Rally for voters awareness program

Our NSS team organized a Rally program with a view to create the Right to Vote Awareness for the students of SCADCET and the general public. The rally started from Cheranmahadevi bus stand to Gandhi Park on 25-01-2020. The students of all the first year branch of Engineering participated in this awareness rally. The event was co-ordinated by Mr. M. John Sekar, NSS Programme Officer, supported by the staff members of S&H.

Mission Cleaning Thamirabarani Activities

SCAD College of Engineering and Technology students had participated in River Thamirabarani Cleaning Activities. It was a three phase project. Now this project has received third prize among the cleaning projects held all over India. A meeting was conducted by the Tirunelveli District Collector in order to appreciate and a shield was given to the SCAD College of Engineering and Technology. It was received by Mr. A. Johnsekar, NSS Programme officer.

NSS Rally for Disaster Management

Our SCAD college of Engineering & Technology has organized NSS Rally Disaster Management in Cheranmahadevi. This rally is initiated by our cheranmahadevi Tasildhar and great support has given by our Mr.Monimaran, AGM Scad campus and principal Dr.C.K.Ravishankar and rally was started from cheranmahadevi sub collector office to Cheranmahadevi Park. Motivate the students to understand the responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies in order to lesson impact of disaster. This rally was over all organized by Mr.A.John sekar / NSS Coordinator.

Blood Donation

With the motto ‘Donate Blood, Donate Life’, Our student volunteers of NSS Unit have taken some time off  from regular academic schedule for a noble cause and volunteered in blood donating service held in private hospital Tirunelveli. This serves as a motivating factor for the donors; encouraging them to actively participate in blood donation camps in the future and contributes towards society.

Deworming Pills Distributed to Students in the Campus – National Deworming Day 2022

Parasitic infections occur due to various reasons in children and adolescents including contaminated food, lack of personal hygiene, excess sweets and junk food consumption. They result in severe health complications such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, unexplained weight loss and abdominal issues. Various types of parasite that infects people includes roundworm, whipworm, tape worm and hookworm. As per World Health Organization (WHO), about 24% population across the world is infected with soil-transmitted helminthes worms. Observing incessant health issues, the NSS committee of our college has expedited a deworming campaign in our campus on 14th March 2022. Albendazole deforming tablets were disturbed to more than 200 of our first-year students.




Tuesday, 5th April 2022

The three days NSS special NSS Camp to Edaiyankulam village started on 5th April 2019 in SCAD College of  Engineering and Technology Cheranmahadevi. It was inaugurated by Prof. Planning & Development Dr. Sundarajan along with the program officer Mr. John Sekar. The day began with NSS song. Around 50 of the student volunteers worked in teams where they processed to clean the bus-stand surrounding of Eadaiyankulam village, the volunteers painted and renovated the bus-stand. The entire day was meticulously dedicated to serve the village. The main objective was to inculcate the spirit of selfless service and voluntary  work among the volunteers.       


Wednesday, 6th April 2022 

The second day of NSS Camp started with the NSS Song the volunteers performed the task of removing and uprooting  the invasive specious  of prosopis juliflora plants(seema karuvelai)   . 

Day 3 

Thursday, 7th April 2022 

On its third day of NSS Camp all the volunteers organized a  campaign of planting tree saplings. On it closing ceremony of the days camp the worthy  people of SCADCET Dr. Sundarrajan Prof. Planning & Development, Mr. Jeypandi Administrative officer SCADCET and the Village officer of Edayankulam were invited as the guest of honour. The occasion was graced by Dr. Sundarrajan motivating and interacting with the volunteers and guided them for their better careers. The event was meticulously coordinated by Mr. John Sekar  NSS Program Officer and assisted by the following faculties of SCADCET.   The Camp was a grand  Success.  

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